Monday, February 25, 2013

Monster Cross

Lesson learned.... the Schwalbe Marathon Mondial tires are NOT winning!  At 570g and a design that is made for durability not speed, they are just sooo slow.  I was not aware how much of a disadvantage heavy/slow tires would be.  My idea was that the Mondials would be bullet proof and therefore no worries about flats, but they are such a huge disadvantage in a race that being flat resistant does not even matter.
not for racing... trust me :)
After the race was over I looked at what the winners were riding... haha... they were riding file tred tires!  Oh man I really made a mistake with my ultra cross setup.

Right from the gun I was getting dropped by the main pack of the Elite field and they were not even going that fast, I just could not go any faster.  I am positive I should have been able to keep pace with them easily. My fitness is there, but my tires were definitely holding me back.

Once I lost site of the main group I was riding with 3 others.  They advised me to take a wrong turn and we went off course for 2.5 miles.  I returned to the course where I left it 10 minutes later and just drilled it for the rest of the race.  On the bright side I got in a GREAT early season workout!!

At the end of the race I was able to help my team mate Auggie Plitt and another friend Brian Patton do well in their races by acting as their person domnestique... that was very fun!

With bad luck/results in the last 2 races I am just going to hope that I have gotten all of my bad races over with for the year.  There is so much more racing to be had still.  Can't wait!!

Lance won the Open Cyclocross Division and he was actually 1st amongst all non-pro racing divisions!  He had the race of his life.  Adam won the Single Speed Cyclocross division and was able to work with Lance the entire race.
Lance, myself, and Adam eating some post-race chili!
For my next Ultra Cross race I will NOT be riding on the Mondials... I need to reevaluate my setup that is for sure.

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