Saturday, May 4, 2013

Endurance MTB Racing Setup

For my endurance mountain bike races I always like to carry two tubes.  I do not want to get caught out in the middle of nowhere asking people for a spare tube because I already used my 1st one.  Usually if you have to resort to fixing your second flat you are pretty much out of the race at that point, but I always want to finish... DNFs are the worst!  So I carry a second tube just in case.

I just got the new Hypalon Series Straps from Backcountry Research!!  And they are incredible!  There is NOTHING that will be moving my tubes out of place... those things are basically glued to my bike.

My setup maximizes speed/ease/availability for getting to my tube and equipment for fixing my flats while at the same time keeping everything in order and secure while riding even over the rockiest/bumpiest terrain.

Setup is as follows:

1) If I get one flat I will grab the tube/CO2 that I have strapped, using the TUBE TOURNIQUET, to my top tube.  It is right there and it is super easy to access for a quick flat fix.

2) If I happen to get a second flat I probably won't be in quite as much of a hurry since my race will be pretty much lost at that point.  I will take the tube/CO2 that I have strapped, using the RACE II, under my seat.

3) I will be keeping my multi-tool, tire lever, tire inflator, and probably my car key in a TULBAG, that I will keep in my middle back jersey pocket for quick and easy access!

This is a winning setup!  :)

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