Posting this for people who were asking about the strap on my bike and the Barmitts. These are just things that winter riders need to know!!!! If you are training outside in the winter here are 2 awesome things that will make your training even more fun!
The guys at Backcountry Research have some awesome stuff going on! It is so awesome that I can now strap a handpump to my road and mountain bikes so that I don't have to waste CO2 on training rides. Seriously... you gotta get one of these things!
If you don't believe that a 'little strap' could hold all of that stuff without things falling out then check out this video:
My Barmitts enable me to ride in the coldest temps that MD has to offer without ever getting my hands cold. I wear 2 pair of gloves and then the Barmitts and I have NEVER had an issue with cold hands. The Hub in Catonsville is now selling them... seriously get a pair..
CX Bike used for Road Training with attached Barmitts and the Mutherload strap to hold a hand pump, tube, multitool, and tire levers.
Single Speed Superfly with the Race II strap to hold hand pump, tube, and tire levers